Strengthening Drought Resilience for Smallholder Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region



Drought is one of the major natural hazards affecting people’s livelihoods and socio-economic development. In the Inter-Governmental Authority and Development (IGAD) region, smallholder farmers and pastoralists face the adverse effects of drought. According to IGAD 2030 , between 60- 70 percent of the land area in the IGAD region consists of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands that receive less than 600 mm of rainfall annually. It is predicted that the frequency and intensity of droughts would increase because of climate change, especially in Semi-Arid areas.
The region also faces uncontrolled activities such as deforestation and poor agricultural practices that lead to reduced water retention capacities, surface runoffs, and soil cover losses.
To strengthen the resilience of the region’s populations and ecosystems to drought, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa (GWPEA) and the four riparian countries (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda) submitted a project to the Adaptation Fund (AF) entitled “Strengthening Drought Resilience for Small Holder Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region – DRESS EA”. The project was approved by the Adaptation Fund Board in October 2019.

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Regional Executing Entity (REE):
Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa (GWPEA)
National Executing Entities (NEE):
Kenya, Djibouti, Sudan and Uganda
Funded: Adaptation Fund $13,079,540 .
Sudan Budget (USD): $2,581,480
National Executing Entity (NEE) in Sudan:
The Hydraulics Research Center (HRC) – Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources
Duration: 4 years
Sudan Domain: 
Al Salam Locality, White Nile State

Objective :

The overall objective of the project is to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists to climate change risks mainly those related to drought, through the establishment of appropriate early warning systems and implementation of drought adaptation actions in the IGAD region. The project targets four countries (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda).

The specific objectives of the project are: 

  • To develop and promote regional investments in drought early warning systems (EWS) and improving the existing ones 
  • To strengthen and improve the capacity of key stakeholders in drought risk management at regional, national and local levels 
  • To facilitate smallholder farmers and pastoralists inputs to undertake innovative adaptation actions that reinforce their resilience to drought 
  • To enhance knowledge management and information sharing on drought resilience at the considered levels.